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Privacy policy

1. This Privacy Policy regulates the procedure for processing personal data of any visitor (hereinafter referred to as the "User") of the website https://pinchakovskiy (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), which is used by the sole proprietorship "Pinchakovskyi Nazar Romanovych" and the dental clinic Pinchakovskyi Dental Clinic (hereinafter referred to as the "Clinic").
2. Терміни, що використовуються в цьому положенні
2. The Clinic respects the User's right to privacy and confidentiality of personal data obtained as a result of using the Site and takes all measures necessary to maintain their confidentiality and security, including using generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection against possible loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.
3. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 2297-VI "On Personal Data Protection" of June 01, 2010, other legislative acts of Ukraine and the terms of this Privacy Policy
4. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the processing of personal data is any action or set of actions of the Clinic, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use and distribution (distribution, sale, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data of the Website User, including with the use of information (automated) systems.
5. The Clinic may process the following personal data of the Website User:

5.1. Surname, name, patronymic;
5.2. Phone number;
5.3. Email address;
5.4. Data (including cookies) automatically collected during visits and/or use of the Site about the equipment from which the User visits the Site, software, operating system, IP address, source of links and this Site, pages viewed on the Site, preferences for a particular type of service, links used to access the Site, etc.
6. The Clinic processes (1) personal data entered by the User by filling out the contact form posted on the Site, by filling out which the User has agreed to the processing of his/her personal data on the basis of the Privacy Policy; (2) data automatically collected during visits and/or use of the Site (including cookies), if this is allowed in the settings of the User's browser.
7. The purposes of processing the personal data of the Website User by the Clinic are to provide the User with access to the services of the Clinic, information and/or materials contained on the Website. The data automatically collected during visits and/or use of the Website, collected using Internet statistics services, are used to collect information about the User's actions on the Website and improve the quality of the Website.
8. The Clinic ensures the safety of the User's personal data and takes all possible measures to exclude access to personal data of unauthorized persons.
9. The Clinic may transfer the User's personal data to third parties only in the case and in the manner expressly provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.
10. The period of personal data processing is unlimited. The user may at any time withdraw his/her consent to the processing of personal data by sending a message marked "Revocation of consent to the processing of personal data" to the Clinic by e-mail to the Clinic's e-mail address pinchakovskyiclinic@gmail.com.
11. The Clinic, at its sole discretion, may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. The Clinic will publish changes on this Website. The Clinic is under no obligation to notify the User of changes to this Privacy Policy, except to publish them on this Site. The changes shall take effect from the date of publication. The User of the Site realizes and agrees that further use of this Site after the date of publication of the changes will mean the full and unconditional consent of the User to the current version of this Privacy Policy.
12. The Privacy Policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version.
13. If the User does not agree with any provisions of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the Website and leave it immediately. By continuing to use the Website, the User automatically agrees to the processing of his/her personal data by the Clinic in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
14. The User may receive any clarifications on issues related to the processing of their personal data by contacting the Clinic by e-mail at pinchakovskyiclinic@gmail.com.
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